jeudi 25 février 2016

using if else statement in js to check to see if an html form element is equal to a certain number

I've javascript code that allows users to load more posts, and i want to use if else statement to check to see if an html form element is equal to a certain number then the click function would transfer the user to another html page.. here is the html code

<ul id="myList">

<div id="loadMore">Load more</div>

and the js code

$(document).ready(function () {
    size_li = $("#myList li").size();
    $('#myList li:lt('+x+')').show();
    $('#loadMore').click(function () {
        x= (x+5 <= size_li) ? x+5 : size_li;
        $('#myList li:lt('+x+')').show();
        if(x == size_li){

as you can notice

if(x == size_li){

i want it to transfer the user instead of hide it

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