samedi 27 février 2016

Program subtracting 1 from only even value output

So I cant figure out why this is happening. This program asks the user for an input integer and either doubles the digits or triples the digits depending on whether it is an even or odd number respectively. The problem is that for only the even integer loop it subtracts the first digit by 1 for each loop iteration. The loop for the odd integers is exactly the same as the even integers with the exception tripling the digits instead of doubling and it works just fine. Any ideas?


Input: 12
Expected output: 1122
Actual output: 1121

Input: 13
Expected output: 111333
Actual output: 111333

//This program asks the user to enter an integer and depending on whether the integer is even or odd, doubles or triples
//each digit in the integer respectively. It then reads out the result and asks the user if they would like to enter
//another integer and run the program again.
int main()
    string restart;
    int integer, remainder;

    while (restart != "n" && restart !="N")
        cout << "Enter an integer: ";
        cin >> integer;
        cout << endl;

        //Creates variable "temp" and "mycount" and divides "integer" by 10 until remainder is 0 and counts number of
        //steps to do this to count the number of significant digits of the integer
        int temp = integer, mycount = 0;
        while (temp != 0)
            temp = temp / 10;

        //Computes if the integer is even or odd by determining the remainder: 0 remainder = even, Non-0 remainder = odd
        //Creates two integer variables "exponent" and "sum" and sets them to 0
        //Assigns variable "temp" to the integer value
        remainder = integer % 2;
        int exponent = 0;
        int sum = 0;
        temp = integer;

        //If integer is even, doubles each significant digit
        if (remainder == 0)
            //Begins for loop which runs for the number of times equal to the number of significant digits stored in "mycount"
            for (int i = mycount; i > 0; i--)
                //Stores current significant digit in "digit"
                //Removes current significant digit by dividing by 10
                //Multiplies current significant digit by 11 and stores it in "timesTwo"
                //Multiplies current significant digit by 10^exponent then adds it to other modified digits
                //Adds 2 to current exponent to increase digit multiplier by 100
                int digit = temp % 10;
                temp = temp / 10;
                int timesTwo = digit * 11;
                sum = (timesTwo * pow(10, exponent)) + sum;
                exponent = exponent + 2;
                cout << sum << endl;
                cout << endl;

            cout << "Number is even, doubling each digit in the integer ..." << endl;
            cout << sum << endl;

        //If integer is odd this runs the same as the above function except it triples the digit and adds 3 to the multiplier
            for (int i = mycount; i > 0; i--)
                int digit = temp % 10;
                temp = temp / 10;
                int timesThree = digit * 111;
                sum = (timesThree * pow(10, exponent)) + sum;
                exponent = exponent + 3;
                cout << sum << endl;
            cout << "Number is odd, tripling each digit in the integer ..." << endl;
            cout << "Result: " << sum << endl;

        cout << "Would you like to enter another integer? (y/n): ";
        cin >> restart;

    return 0;

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