samedi 29 octobre 2016

Cambrigde exam python task - assistance needed

I'm preparing for an exam that's coming up soon about python and seem to have gotten stuck with a task.

The task says as follows:

Data is received as a stream of characters:

  • each stream of characters is a sequence of surnames
  • the start and end of a sequence is indicated by two * characters (**)
  • the surnames are separated by a # character

A typical character sequence is:


Write program code to:

  • input a character sequence (made up of one or more surnames

  • check that the character sequence has a valid format

  • calculate and output the number of surnames*

If anybody out there would be kind enough to help me out, even if it's just a little bit, I would be very grateful.

Thank you all very much for your time.

Cheers, Ben

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