vendredi 28 octobre 2016

How does one change the value of a variable within an if statement


<strong> Height:</strong>      <input id ="Height"><br/>
<strong> Base: </strong>       <input id ="Base"><br/>
<strong> Hypotenus: </strong>  <input id ="Hypotenus"><br/>

<button type ="Button" onclick="Evaluate()">Find Area</button>
<p id ="Answer"> Answer will appear here </p>
function Evaluate() {
    var H = document.getElementById("Height").value;
    var B = document.getElementById("Base").value;
    var Hy = document.getElementById("Hypotenus").value;

    if (B == NaN || null) {
        var Area = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Hy, 2) - Math.pow(H, 2));
    document.getElementById("Answer").innerHTML = Area;

I'm new to JavaScript and I've been trying to make a code that finds the formula of a triangle. My problem is after the if statement I would like to change the value of "Area" but I keep getting undefined everytime I run the code. How do I change the value of a variable within an if statement?

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