jeudi 28 décembre 2017

Generating variables with a loop in Python from Matlab

I am trying to convert a code from Matlab to Python. In python I wrote:

age=np.arange(start_age, start_age+D, deltat)
For num in age:        this doesn't
if age[:]<(65):
H = (1/r) * (1 - math.exp(-r * max(0, (65 - age[:])))
A = ((1 - theta) * r - rho) / theta + 0.5 * ((1 - theta) / theta ** 2) *(    _lambda **2)
g = (1/A) * (math.exp(A * (D - (age[:] - start_age))) - 1)# equation (A11)

What I am trying to do is the following: for age I need a series of integers that goes from 20 to 79; for Y i need that for every value in age, for number smaller that 65 i need a 1 and for every number bigger or equal than 65 i need a 0. H, A and g are simply functions.

I find two problems: firstly, it doesn't allow me to works with values inside age, secondly, the loop for Y doesn't work.

I have tried many different variants of this code, but I always get mistakes and I think the problem is on how I have built age.

Can somebody help me please?

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