samedi 23 décembre 2017

Powershell look if a folder existing in a if statement

I have 2 folders in my windows folder, software, and softwaretest. So I have the main folder "software" if statement, then jump to the elseif - here I have the backup folder, so jump to the else...

my problem is that I'm getting the write-host from the elseif, and I have a backup folder that I'm calling softwaretest, so can't see why it give me that output and not the else.

hope someone can guide/help me :-)

    If ($SoftwarePathBackup = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Env:SystemRoot" | Where-Object { (!$_.Name -like 'software') }) {
        Write-Host ( 'There are no folder named \software\ on this machine - You cant clean/clear/empty the folder!' ) -ForegroundColor Red;
    } elseif ($SoftwarePathBackup = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Env:SystemRoot" | Where-Object { ($_.Name -match '.+software$|^software.+') } | Sort-Object) {
        Write-Host ( 'There are none folder-backups of \software\ on this machine - You need to make a folder-backup of \software\ before you can clean/clear/empty the folder!' ) -ForegroundColor Red;
    } else {

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