jeudi 31 octobre 2019

Is there an efficient way to let a variable equal multiple values in an if-statement in Stata?

I am doing data clean-up in Stata and I need to recode a variable to equal 1 if a whole set of other variables are equal to 1, 6, or 7.

I can do this by writing out:

replace anyadl=1 if diffdress==1 | diffdress==6 | diffdress==7 | ///
    diffwalk==1 | diffwalk==6 | diffwalk==7 | ///
    diffbath==1 | diffbath==6 | diffbath==7 | ///
    diffeat==1 | diffeat==6 | diffeat==7 | ///
    diffbed==1 | diffbed==6 | diffbed==7 | /// 
    difftoi==1 | difftoi==6 | difftoi==7

However, this is very inefficient to type out and it's easy to make errors. Is there a simpler way to do this -- say, something like:

replace anyadl=1 if diff*==(1 | 6 | 7)


Thank you for any help you can provide!

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