mardi 29 octobre 2019

Using "or" in an "if" statement in Try and Except in Python

I want to make the loop continue and catch errors like entering "bob" as an input or integers less than 1 and greater than 4.

salesNum = input("How many sales persons to process? ")
for num in salesNum:
    salesName = input("Enter Salesperson Name: ")
    salesLevel = 0
    while salesLevel == 0:
            salesLevel = int(input("Enter Salesperson Level: "))
            if salesLevel < 1 or salesLevel > 4:
                print("error, try again.")
                salesLevel = int(input("Enter Salesperson Level: "))
        except ValueError:
            print("error, try again")
    hoursWorked = float(input("Enter Hours Worked: "))
    salesAmount = float(input("Enter Number of Sales: "))

It works fine if I make one error, but multiple errors don't get caught and the program moves on to the next questions. I have tried breaking the if statement up, but that doesn't solve the issue.

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