jeudi 25 février 2021

Adding Two Conditions to an IF Statement


If someone selects the "First time buyer" checkbox (firstTimeBtn) the "firstBuyer" values should be returned, however, in addition to this, "firstBuyer" values should only be returned when the house price is £500,000 or under. If the house price is over £500,000 "standBuyer" values should be returned instead.

From Data Controller Module:

getBuyerType: function() {
            const covidBtnCheck = document.getElementById(DOMstrings.covidBtn)
            const firstTimeBtnCheck = document.getElementById(DOMstrings.firstTimeBtn)
            const secondPropBtnCheck = document.getElementById(DOMstrings.secondPropBtn)

            if (covidBtnCheck.checked && secondPropBtnCheck.checked) { 
                return 'secondCovidBuyer';
            } else if (firstTimeBtnCheck.checked) {
                return 'firstBuyer';
            } else if (secondPropBtnCheck.checked) {
                return 'secBuyer';
            } else if (covidBtnCheck.checked) {
                return 'covidBuyer';
            } else {
                return 'standBuyer';


 let checkBuyerType = function() {
        let buyerType = UICtrl.getBuyerType();
 if (buyerType == 'secondCovidBuyer') {
return dataCtrl.secondCovidBuyer;        
} else if (buyerType == 'firstBuyer') {
            return dataCtrl.firstBuyer;
        } else if (buyerType == 'secBuyer') {
            return dataCtrl.secBuyer;
    } else if (buyerType == 'covidBuyer') {
            return dataCtrl.covidBuyer;
        } else {
            return dataCtrl.standBuyer;

Originally, I tried adding "&& (houseCost <= 500000)" into the getBuyerType script within the "else if (firstTimeBtnCheck.checked) { return 'firstBuyer';" line, but it doesn't work. Wondering if it's because I should be using housePrice instead of houseCost? Including the below code for context, in case it is helpful:

  //1. Get the cost of the house
        houseCost = UICtrl.getInput().housePrice;
        //2. Only proceed if there is a house cost
        if (houseCost >= 0) {


I have 3 checkboxes and each checkbox returns different numerical values in a table. However, I want to add another option so that if both 'covidBtn' AND 'secondPropBtn' are selected, it will return 'secondCovidBuyer' values. I would really appreciate it if anyone is able to help me! Thank you.

Return Values

// Different tax percentages and taxBand data
  standBuyer: [0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.10, 0.12],
  firstBuyer: [0, 0, 0, 0.05],
  secBuyer: [0.03, 0.05, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.13, 0.15],
  covidBuyer: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.12],
  secondCovidBuyer: [0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.08, 0.13, 0.15],
  taxBand: [0, 125000, 250000, 300000, 500000, 925000, 1500000, Infinity],


getBuyerType: function() {
            if (document.getElementById(DOMstrings.firstTimeBtn).checked == true) {
                return 'firstBuyer';
            } else if (document.getElementById(DOMstrings.secondPropBtn).checked == true) {
                return 'secBuyer';
    } else if (document.getElementById(DOMstrings.covidBtn).checked == true) {
                return 'covidBuyer';
            } else {
                return 'standBuyer';

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