samedi 27 février 2021

How to create conditionals based on output of print statement in Python? [closed]

I am utilising a specialised collection of tools in Python to retrieve content from a graph database based on a query provided by the user - the query is mycode. Here, when I execute the print() statement like this-


There can be occasions when there is nothing printed on the console at all (i.e. a blank output), while on other occasions, the print() statement has values printed onto the output console. I was wondering if there is a way to create conditionals that - when there is no output produced by the print() statement displays to the user No content found in the DB. Else, if content is found in the database, it just shows the usual print() output.

Something of this sort (in terms of pseudo-code) -

if(output of print( is blank/empty):
   print("No content found in the DB)
   print("Content found in the DB! \n")

Any help and suggestions to achieve this would be much appreciated.

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