jeudi 25 février 2021

can the JS decision making with 2 variables be reduced in any elegant way not with IF statement?

I am a newbie JS developer and although the below code works perfectly fine with 2 variables and with IF statement but I want to know is there any elegant way of doing it WITHOUT IF statement.

The working code is below:

let animation;
    if(!detectScroll && !detectHover){
      animation = loadAnimation(reverseAnimationData)
    else if(detectScroll && !detectHover){
      animation = loadAnimation(cyanAnimationData)
    else if(!detectScroll && detectHover){
      animation = loadAnimation(cyanAnimationData)
    else {
      animation = loadAnimation(cyanAnimationData)

I want to know that can I reduce code into less lines of code with any other way without IF statement.

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