I tried to develop a java program using netbeans in which a GUI accepts subject marks from five text fields and displays the total marks, percentage and the grade in their respective text fields. The problem is I am getting errors while executing the GUI. I tried replacing int with double to hold decimal values of percentage but that didn't help. I am unable to find any errors and since I am a beginner i am unable to understand the errors given in the monitor by my netbeans. Please help.
ERRORS: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: " 34" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:481) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:527) at NewJFrame.submit_buttonActionPerformed(NewJFrame.java:173) at NewJFrame.access$000(NewJFrame.java:4) at NewJFrame$1.actionPerformed(NewJFrame.java:60)
Here's the coding I've done.
int sub1_ = Integer.parseInt(sub1.getText());
int sub2_ = Integer.parseInt(sub2.getText());
int sub3_ = Integer.parseInt(sub3.getText());
int sub4_ = Integer.parseInt(sub4.getText());
int sub5_ = Integer.parseInt(sub5.getText());
// Here each subject holds a max. of 100 marks.
int a = sub1_+sub2_+sub3_+sub4_+sub5_;
// Since each subject holds a max. of 100 marks, the total marks of five subjects sums up to 500.
int b = (a/500)*100;
else if(b<=90&&b>=81)
else if(b<=80&&b>=71)
else if(b<=70&&b>=61)
else if(b<=60&&b>=51)
else if(b<=50&&b>=35)
else if(b<=34&&b>=0)
else {grade.setText("");}
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