jeudi 23 juillet 2015

Program will calculate most provided values except for some

This is a simple currency change calculcator in C for a course I'm taking (CS50).

It works pretty well, until you submit the values 0.15, 4.2 and 4.3 (those are the ones I caught so far), the program freezes, doesn't output any results. I have to CTRL + C to force quit.

If I try another number, say 0.41 I get the correct answer.

Why is this happening?

#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) {

    printf("How much change do you owe: ");

    float amount;

    // (;;) represents an infinite loop
    for (;;)
        amount = GetFloat();

        // if user's input is negative, the script will break and prompt the user to enter a positive value.
        if (amount >= 0) { 

        printf("Please provide a positive value: ");

    float cents = 100.0 * amount;
    float quarter = 0;
    float dime = 0;
    float nickel = 0;
    float penny = 0;

    // I used the shortcut to represent (cents = cents + 25.0)
    while (cents > 0) {
        if (cents >= 25.0) {
            cents -= 25.0;
            quarter += 1;
        } else if (cents >= 10.0) {
            cents -= 10.0;
            dime += 1;
        } else if (cents >= 5.0) {
            cents -= 5.0;
            nickel += 1;
        } else if (cents >= 1.0) {
            cents -= 1.0;
            penny += 1;

    float coins = quarter + dime + nickel + penny;

    printf("%f\n", coins);

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