mardi 1 décembre 2015

Avoid Multiple nested if statement in C

I'm thinking to avoid the nested if statements occur in my code.

for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
  if(x & y != 0) {
     if(z & k ==  z) {
        if(w & ( (c || u) && f)) { 
            //  Do something with the checked condition

First The for loop and then inside multiple if statements looks ugly . Also the values x, y , z, k etc are of form edgeBag[i].edgeWeight or even larger than that in width hence it looks more ugly.

One way i can think is to use variable to store the x, y, z etc and then use the variable inside the if statement to check the condition.

 for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
 a = x;
 b = y; 
   if(a & b != 0) {
           // .....

In beginning i was not very annoyed by this but once this pattern started to occur very often it's annoying. Is there any way to avoid this pattern. Or a better way to state that. Thanks.

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