mercredi 23 décembre 2015

Efficient storage and calling of varying objects

This question deals with the ability to construct a structure that is able to be easily iterated through.

The problem:

I have four different "boxes":

  • Box A: Always has 1 apple and 1 pear
  • Box B: Always has 1 orange and 1 pear
  • Box C: Always has 1 peach
  • Box D: Can have varying amounts of apples and oranges (0 - 10+) but always has 1 pear

Each piece of fruit has a different taste value

I currently process this information by creating a queue of the different taste values and box types then process this information with a lots of if-elses in multiple functions.

Here is an example of one function that seeks to get a total sum of the taste values e.g.

void process_crate(vector<string> boxes, vector<double> taste_value, vector<vector<double> > amount){

    unsigned int count = 0; // holds index in taste_value
    double sum_taste = 0;  // holds taste value 

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++){
        string active_box = boxies[i];

        if(active_box == "A"){ // An apple and a pear

            sum_taste += taste_box_A(taste_value[count],taste_value[count+1]); // user preference

            count += 2;
        }else if(active_box == "B"){ // An orange and a pear
            sum_taste += taste_box_B(taste_value[count], taste_value[count+1]); // user preference

            count += 2;
        }else if(active_box == "C"){ // A peach
            sum_taste += taste_box_C(taste_value[count], taste_value[count+1]); // user preference

            count += 1;
        }else{ // Box D varying apples and oranges, but always a pear

            unsigned int apples = amount[i][0];
            unsigned int oranges = amount[i][1];

            vector<double> apple_tastes(apples);
            vector<double> orange_tastes(oranges);

            double pear_taste = taste_value[count+apples + oranges];

            if(apples != 0){
                for(unsigned int j = 0; j<apples; j++){
                    apple_tastes[j] = taste_value[count+j];
                count += apples;

            if(oranges != 0){
                for(unsigned int j = 0; j<apples; j++){
                    orange_tastes[j] = taste_value[count+j];
                count += oranges;

            sum_taste += taste_box_D(apple_tastes, orange_tastes, pear_taste); // user preference
            count += 1;


I think use of IF-ELSE statements combined with lots of vectors to store the data could be greatly improved.

Any suggestions?

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