Im new to SQL and trying to understand how i can find if similar fields exist across different values in a column:
My code:
(SELECT DISTINCT fa.AccountKey, dce.EmailAddress , dcp.Phone , dpo.BrandName, dpo.BrandId
FROM Fact.Account fa
LEFT JOIN Dim.PetOwner dpo ON dpo.PetOwnerKey = fa.PetOwnerKey
LEFT JOIN Dim.RatingAddress dra ON dra.RatingAddressKey = fa.RatingAddressKey
LEFT JOIN Dim.CustomerEmail dce ON dce.CustomerEmailKey = fa.CurrentCustomerEmailKey
LEFT JOIN Dim.CustomerPrimaryPhone dcp ON dcp.CustomerPrimaryPhoneKey = fa.CurrentCustomerPrimaryPhoneKey
,row_number() over (partition by EmailAddress,Phone,BrandId order by BrandName) as seqnum
from LOC_CTE
) Q
where seqnum >= 1;
The output gives me:
AccountKeyEmailAddress Phone BrandName BrandId seqnum
389082 0160150@m**.edu 2098579** AP 4 1
430223 01co***st**e@msn.com8655677**9 AP 4 1
430224 01cor**s** 8655677**9 AP 4 2
531443 01mar** 73278**63 AP 4 1
544454 01mu** 8133**793 AP 4 1
548374 03b** 30130**93 AP 4 1
216594 03d** 50363**34 AP 4 1
377919 03d** 50363**734 AP 4 2
486237 03d** 50363**734 HP 3 3
532010 041** 85749**455 AP 4 1
365925 05bla**ro* 682365**51 AP 4 1
365926 05bla**ro* 682365**51 HP 3 2
So as can be observed in my output, I am able to detect duplicate records and sequence of its duplicity. Bu what I want is that my final report also detects if the same person(email and phone number) is repeated under a different brand. For example if you notice in the last two rows of the ouput it is the same individual but under 2 different brands and brand ID. But I just want to isolate these instances and generate an output which only shows the original duplicate along with the duplicate that comes up under a different brand/brandID. How do I do this?
I tried to edit the last line of my clause and integrated a NOT clause but I did not receive any output and neither any error. My syntax may be wrong but hope this helps with the logic
where seqnum >= 1 AND NOT BrandID = BrandID ;
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