mercredi 19 août 2020

2 if/then statements in 1 Crystal Reports 2016 formula results in one working fine but other comes up blank

I'm trying to create an if/then statement that would categorize rows (and then doing a running count) into "No Show", "Cancelled", and "Appointment Kept" according to specific criteria. This is what I have so far:

If ((isnull({Command.SERVICE_CODE}) and ({Command.status_value}='Scheduled'))
or ({Command.SERVICE_CODE} like '33*' or {Command.SERVICE_CODE} like '34*')) then 'No Show' 
If ((isnull({Command.SERVICE_CODE}) and ({Command.status_value}='Cancelled'))
or ({Command.SERVICE_CODE} like '32*' or {Command.SERVICE_CODE} like '35*')) then 'Cancelled' 
else 'Appointment Kept'

Everything above works except for rows where this happens:

If ((isnull({Command.SERVICE_CODE}) and ({Command.status_value}='Cancelled'))... 

it's not categorizing at all and resulting in a blank field.

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