vendredi 21 août 2020

Excel - Nested Multiple IF with ISBLANK and AND - I think?

Can anyone help with this excel formula?? I am stumped with this one...

AB1 and AG1 are both blank then return "No PPA"

AB1 has text but AG1 is blank then return "Framework"

AB1 is blank but AG1 has a date then the following formula needs to be used...

IF(AG1-TODAY()>90, "Live", IF(TODAY()-AG1>0, "Expired", "Expiring Soon"

I basically need to merge IF(AND(ISBLANK(AB1),ISBLANK(AG1)),"No PPA",IF(ISBLANK(AG1),"Framework" with IF(AG1-TODAY()>90, "Live", IF(TODAY()-AG1>0, "Expired", "Expiring Soon"

Is this possible?

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