vendredi 21 août 2020

How can I fix my if and else statements in this game im trying to make? [duplicate]

this is the code, it is supposed to be a game of rock paper scissors

whowon = 0
cchoice = 0

print('Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors!')
while True:
  print('To choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors, type 1, 2, or 3 respectively, or\nsimply type 
"rock, paper, or scissors".')
  for x in range(4):
  while True:
    pinput = str(input())
    if str(pinput) == 'rock' or 'Rock' or '1':
      pchoice = 1
    elif str(pinput) == 'paper' or 'Paper' or '2':
      pchoice = 2
    elif str(pinput) == 'scissors' or 'Scissors' or '3':
      pchoice = 3
      print('please type Rock, Paper, Scissors or 1, 2, 3')
  cchoice = random.randint(1,3)
  print('computer choice:' +str(cchoice)+' '+start[cchoice-1]+'\nplayer 
choice:'+str(pchoice)+' '+start[pchoice-1]+'\nplayer input'+str(pinput)+'\nwho won calc:'+' 
  whowon = pchoice / cchoice
  if pchoice == 1 and whowon >.4:
    print('Paper beats Rock! You Lose!')
    print('Rock beats Scissors! You Win!')
  if pchoice == 2 and whowon <1:
    print('Paper beats Rock! You Win!')
    print('Scissors beats Paper! You Lose!')
  if pchoice == 3 and whowon <2:
    print('Rock beat Scissors! You Win!')
    print('Scissors beats Paper! You Lose!')

the if statements in the second while looped(the one embedded in the main loop) are supposed to convert your human answer to a number, rock being 1, paper being 2, and scissors being 3. instead, it always thinks your choice is rock, no matter what input you give.

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