Here is my code:
dataall=merge(x = bootranked, y = originalE, by=0, all.x = T, all.y = F)
#magic_for(print, silent = TRUE)
for (i in 1:ksign){
if (ksign<=ksign1){
} else {
the dataall is like this:
Row.names V1.x V2.x V1.y V2.y
1 x1.1 0.4000122 1.681746e-03 0.363914590 0.0868910925
2 x1.100 0.4949200 1.047375e-04 0.255390161 0.2269756532
3 x1.101 0.3298167 9.774672e-03 0.301369197 0.1539540373
4 x1.102 0.4242175 8.993392e-04 0.785578625 0.0002499821
5 x1.104 0.4653682 3.290099e-04 -0.064057636 0.7625579183
6 x1.105 0.7944234 7.967662e-10 0.432133351 0.0422609801
7 x1.106 0.4931689 1.274969e-04 0.177176707 0.4001823568
Showing 1 to 15 of 542 entries, 5 total columns
newdata1 is like:
[,1] [,2]
x1.631 0.7276578 1.841870e-08
x1.655 0.6736610 1.631133e-07
x1.371 0.6644818 2.323429e-07
x1.105 0.6571262 3.185964e-07
x1.151 0.6272119 1.099948e-06
x1.56 0.5919371 3.952747e-06
x1.102 0.5811969 5.572360e-06
x1.494 0.5705831 9.095983e-06
x1.429 0.5664096 9.758770e-06
Showing 1 to 15 of 564 entries, 2 total columns
ksign and ksign1 are just 2 numbers, depends on the simulation. I want to have the combine version output of the bootk, it should be look like a one column dataframe, what should I do?
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