samedi 30 octobre 2021

function is not acting properly(very new)

I just started python and some help would be greatly appreciated. I have 2 issues with execution. when I run the code as posted below, its not acknowledging that the parameters for the astrick being used it 5-25, then I removed the name inside of the parenthasies for the function, the code then accepted the parameters but would not generate the astrick.

import time, sys

def runZigzag(numOfAsterisk): indent = 0 indentIncreasing = True

try: while True: print(' ' * indent, end='') print('*' * numOfAsterisk) time.sleep(0.1)

        if indentIncreasing:
            indent = indent + 1
            if indent == 20:
                indentIncreasing = False

            indent = indent - 1
            if indent == 0:
                indentIncreasing = True
except KeyboardInterrupt:

while True:

     numOfAsterisk = int(input('Enter an integer between 5 and 25\n'))
except ValueError:
     print('You must enter an integer\n')
    if: 4 <= numOfAsterisk:
        print('The entered number is too low\n')
    if 26 >= numOfAsterisk:
        print('The entered number is too high')

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