mardi 26 octobre 2021

How can I use strcat() within an if-else statement to change based on a user inputs "yes" or "no"?

I am trying to make a basic choose-your-own-adventure style game by developing a basic system by which the program takes user char input and makes a decision using if-else statements to append strings in a certain pattern. In the following program I have tried to use strcat after a set of conditions to yield different output, but my outputs keep failing miserably. Any help someone could offer would be incredible. '''

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() 
char str1[50]= "F*ck";
char str2[50]= "You";
char str3[50]= "Me";

char answer[50];

cout<< "Do you like rock music yes or no?";
cin>> answer;

if (answer== "no"){
    cout<< strcat(str1,str2);
} else (answer== "yes");{
    cout<< strcat(str1,str3);
return 0;


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