mercredi 27 mai 2015

EXCEL: max level of nesting reached in If Statement?

I am using the following if statement in excel:

=IF(W41="Please Select",0,IF(W41="Plant Hire","XPH",IF(W41="Plant Sales","SPH",IF(W41="Crane Hire","XCH",IF(W41="Crane Sales","SCS",IF(W41="General X-Hire","GXH",IF(W41="Operations","XOP",IF(W41="Goods / Services","GSE",0))))))))

However it won't let me add anymore if statements as it is telling me I have reached the max limit allowed. I need to add another 6 like so:

IF(W41="Plant","XPL",IF(W41="Whale","SWFM",IF(W41="Fire","FTH", etc

please can someone show me what I would need to do to complete the if statement? THanks

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