vendredi 29 mai 2015

Java: values are the same but if statement to check if they're equal won't work?

i'm trying to see if two Song() objects are the same to eventually throw a duplicate song entry Exception but i've encountered some troubles. The if statement to check if they're equal just does not want to accept them as equal. I made the console print their values on each song entry as a test and they were printing as the same but the if statement was not initializing. Here is my code:

            case 1: //ENTER A SONG TO DATABASE

            try {
            Song newSong = enterSong();
            int logSize = database.getLogicalSize();
            if (logSize>0){
                System.out.println(newSong.getName() + " " + database.getSongName(0));
                if (newSong == database.getSong(0)){
                   throw new Exception("Exception: duplicate song entry!");
            catch (Exception e){


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