jeudi 28 mai 2015

Laravel redirect from private method with errors

I have the following code:

public function store(Request $request)

        // store something

        return redirect()->action('controller@index')->withMessage( 'Saved Successfully' );

private function validateData($requestParams)
        $validator->validate( $requestParams );
    catch ( ValidationException $e ) 
        redirect()->action('controller@create')->withInput()->withErrors( $e->get_errors() )->send();
        exit(); // this causes the withErrors to not be there

If I remove the exit();, the error messages will appear, but also the store function will be executed (see // store something). I know I can rewrite my code like:

    // store something

    return redirect()->action('controller@index')->withMessage( 'Saved Successfully' );

But I don't want the ugly if statement here. There must be a way to redirect with the flash messages without it.

Thanks in advanced!

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