jeudi 28 mai 2015

prob in selecting multiple fields using If cond., in mysql with left join-

Any help is appreciated --

1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'as receiverimage, re.fName as receiverfName , re.lName as receiverlName , re.add' at line

SELECT co.*, 
if(( co.senderid = 1) , ( re.image as receiverimage, re.fName as receiverfName , re.lName as receiverlName , re.address as receiverAddress , as receivercity , re.state as receiverstate, as receivercountry, re.zipCode as receiverzip),(se.address as senderAddress, as sendercity , se.state as senderstate , as sendercountry , se.zipCode as senderzip , se.image as senderimage ,se.fName as senderfName, se.lName as senderlName )) 
FROM contacts as co
LEFT JOIN users as se ON( = co.senderid )
LEFT JOIN users as re ON( = co.receiverid )
where (senderid = 1 OR receiverid = 1) 

-- is that selecting multiple fields on join table is not valid with or something else ?

I am unable to figure out the exact reason , basic prob. here is to select few fields based on if condition from user table based on join.

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