jeudi 29 septembre 2016

iMacro if/else in deleting photos

I'm trying to delete TONS of pictures per link (thousands) and I was wondering if there's a way for iMacros to delete the images without me having to extract each image form per page (as they would be too many) and if in case the page doesn't have the "Delete Photo" button (signifying all pictures have been deleted), it would close the tab and move on to the next tab.

Here's my code, when done normally:

TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON FORM=ID:image-form-493720 ATTR=NAME:delete
TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON FORM=ID:image-form-493721 ATTR=NAME:delete
TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON FORM=ID:image-form-493722 ATTR=NAME:delete
TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON FORM=ID:image-form-493723 ATTR=NAME:delete
TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON FORM=ID:image-form-493724 ATTR=NAME:delete
TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON FORM=ID:image-form-493725 ATTR=NAME:delete
TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON FORM=ID:image-form-493726 ATTR=NAME:delete

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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