jeudi 30 août 2018

Bash Scipt with function / for loop

I'm writing a bash script for inventory information, and i'm attempting to collect data on two seperate version of Red Hat. They have two different types of output for the ifconfig, so i'm simply trying to add an 'if' statement to the already working function. I keep getting an error that says syntax error: unexpected end of file . I assume i'm not closing something somewhere, but I can't seem to see it, though i've probably been looking at it too long. any assistance would be great.

Here is the script

OS_VERSION=`cat /etc/redhat-release  |awk '{print $0}'`

        if [[ "$OS_VERSION" =~ $pat ]]; then

                for i in `/sbin/ifconfig -a |grep -i -B 3 "UP" |grep -i "HWaddr"|awk '{print $1}'`
                                MacAddress=`/sbin/ifconfig $i |grep -i -B 3 "UP" |grep -i "HWaddr"| awk '{print $NF}'`
                                Ip_Address=`/sbin/ifconfig $i|grep -i "inet addr"|awk '{print $2}'|awk -F: '{print $2}'`
                                echo -n "ethName$num=$i | ethMac$num=\"$MacAddress\" | ethIp$num=\"$Ip_Address\" | "
                                num=$(expr $num+1|bc)
                            echo "Not Santiago, use other script"
echo "";

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