jeudi 30 août 2018

Why does else-statement have no effect?

I have this code:

    def askyesno_pr():
        msg1 = tk.messagebox.askyesno(
            title='Are you ready to begin?',
            message='To begin payroll you will need these reports\n '
                    'for one pay period:\n\n'
                    '     -Stylist Analysis\n'
                    '     -Tips By Employee Report\n'
                    '     -Employee Hours for Week 1\n'
                    '     -Employee Hours for Week 2\n'
                    '     -Client Retention\n'
                    '     -Employee Service Efficiency\n\n'
                    'Are you ready to begin?')
        if msg1:

The last 2 lines is where I am showing an issue in PyCharm. It says "Statement has no effect" but when I remove the 0 the code does not operate correctly - so clearly the 0 does have an effect. Is there something else I should have in the place of a 0 so that it does not throw this code? Or is it just a false-positive in PyCharm?

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