jeudi 30 août 2018

PowerShell hashtable storage for categorical data

I have data that is in the structure of: Subject > Category > Subcategories


Planet of the Apes



--TV series



--Cult Classic


BBC News


--Daily News




(the data isn't actually as bad this!)

I'm trying to work out the best way to convert this into something I can work with to filter and sort. Since the data currently is plain text, I've got an if statement that works out if it's a Subject, Category, or Subcategory but what would be the most sensible way to build a hashtable out of data like this?

$processedData = @{}
$versionattribs | ForEach-Object{
if($_ -match "^\s*$" -or $_ -match "Inherits.*")
    # Is a blank line
elseif($_ -notmatch "`t")
        # Is a Subject
        Write-Host "Subject: $_ "
        $Subject = $_
elseif($_ -match "`t" -and $_ -notmatch "`t`t")
        # Is a category
        Write-host "Category: $_"
        $category = $_
elseif($_ -match "`t`t")
        # Is a sub-category label
        Write-Host "Label: $_ "
        $label = $_
        #Unexpected attribute
        Write-host "Error - unexpected line indentation : $_"

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