jeudi 30 août 2018

Why I get this error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'serviceId' of undefined

I can display value of serviceId to console but when I try to compare it in if(), I got this error. Can you tell me why does this happend and how to solve it, please?

        var servicesCompare1 = [];
        var servicesCompare2 = [];
        $.getJSON("http://localhost:55972/api/status", function (data) {
            self.lastCheck = data.lastCheck;
            servicesCompare1 = (;

        function DashboardRefresh() {
            self.servicesRefresh = ko.observable([]);
            $.getJSON("http://localhost:55972/api/status", function (data) {
                servicesCompare2 = (;
          if (servicesCompare2.length > servicesCompare1.length) {
              for (i = 0; i < (servicesCompare2.length-1); i++) {                   
                  if (servicesCompare1[i].serviceId !== servicesCompare2[i].serviceId) {

        setInterval(DashboardRefresh, 5000);

Console output: 47 48 49 ... other Ids

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'serviceId' of undefined at DashboardRefresh (NetworkStatus.html:66)

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