samedi 29 septembre 2018

Having trouble with mysql variables, what am I doing wrong here?

See below and test here.
I've been pulling my hair out over this for a couple of hours now. I've searched many posts and as best I can tell everything is correct.
I'm having trouble with the IF comparison and the @malefemale variable. I can pull this off by declaring variables in a stored procedure without any problems, I just want to get the damn thing working in the online editor above to share with a friend, and in this case, just to get the damn thing working at all. What am I missing?

create table test(id int, gender varchar(10), salary int);
insert into test(id, gender, salary) values (1, 'male', 40000), (2, 'male', 50000),  (3,'male', 40000), (4, 'female', 60000), (5, 'female', 60000), (6,'female', 40000);

set @m =0;
set @f =0;
set @malefemale = 'same';

select count(*) into @m from test WHERE gender like 'male' and salary >= 50000;
select count(*) into @f from test WHERE gender like 'female' and salary >= 50000;

if @m > @f then
    @malefemale = 'male';
else if @f > @m then
    set @malefemale ='female';

select @malefemale;

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