jeudi 27 septembre 2018

search for files and create conditions using gnuplot

Tell me please how to make a script using gnuplot:

have folder:


in which there are files in the format


need to create the script for all the files in the folder:

for [file] of [files]
    if [file] content text1 == 'packets' and text4 == 'all'
        set xlabel "amount" font "Calibri, 10"
        set xlabel "size" font "Calibri, 10"

    set output "d:/images/out_[file].png"
    plot [file] using ...

more simple code without conditions I could create

files = system("ls -1 d:/data/*.csv")
plot for [data in files] data using 1:3 with line ls 2 notitle

but how can I make a more complex code with the terms I can not understand :(

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