mercredi 28 novembre 2018

Basic Javascript question regarding if else if else

any help would be appreciated. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I know it's probably something simple, I'm learning, just slowly... I have 2 tests of the code I was trying to get to work. It's basically just if else statements and then posting the results in a div. I just can't get it to work. Any advice would be grateful! Thank you.

<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
    function DetermineDanger(){
        // This function should take in the user input from the textBox with id="windchillTxt"
        // Save the user input in a local variable called windchill, be sure to use parseFloat
        // Then using a conditional structure determine the appropriate warning to display based on windchill
        // The result should be displayed in the <div> with id="displayDiv"

        //test 1
    //var windchill
    //number = parseFloat(document.getElementById('windchillTxt').value);

    //if (windchill <= -60)
    //document.getElementById('displayDiv').innerHTML = 'Extreme Danger, frostbite could occur within 5 minutes';

    //else if (windchill <= -45)
    //document.getElementById('displayDiv').innerHTML = 'Danger, frostbite could occur within 10 minutes';

    //else if (windchill <= -25)
    //document.getElementById('displayDiv').innerHTML = 'Caution, frostbite could occur within 30 minutes';

    //document.getElementById('displayDiv').innerHTML = 'Just really cold! Be sure to bundle up!';

    //test 2
        var windchill
        number = parseFloat(document.getElementById('windchillTxt').value);

        if (windchill <= -60) {
        document.getElementById('displayDiv').innerHTML = 'Extreme Danger, frostbite could occur within 5 minutes';

        else {
            if (windchill <= -45) {
            document.getElementById('displayDiv').innerHTML = 'Danger, frostbite could occur within 10 minutes';
        else {
            if (windchill <= -25) {
            document.getElementById('displayDiv').innerHTML = 'Caution, frostbite could occur within 30 minutes';
        else { 
        document.getElementById('displayDiv').innerHTML = 'Just really cold! Be sure to bundle up!';

<h1>Wind Chill Danger</h1>
Enter windchill:<input id="text" id="windchillTxt"><br>
<!-- Finish the onclick handler with a function call -->
<input type="button" value="Information" onclick="DetermineDanger();">
<div id="displayDiv"></div>

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