mardi 27 novembre 2018

How can I print a 1D array to be 3 x 3 and how can I have an RNG computer check values and to keep searching for an empty space?

I have been working on a 1D Tic Tac Toe project for a while now, and I am still fairly new to coding, so I have a couple questions/issues.

  • To start off, I am having issues with printing the board as a 1D String array. Primarily setting it up in the three x three fashion with the 'blanks' represented as '-'.

    //global variables
    static int ArrayLength = 9;
    static String[] board = new String[ArrayLength];
    static int maxVal = ArrayLength;
    static void PrntBoard() 
        for (int cntr = '-'; cntr < maxVal; cntr++) 
  • I am also experiencing issues with my Computer Moves, as I keep getting errors with the computer unable to wrap around the array to eventually find an empty space and checking if a space is available in the first place.

    static void CompMove() {

    int space = 0;
    //keep asking till they get an empty one
        //have the comp random pick a spot
        space = RNG.nextInt(9);
        while (board[space].equals('X') || board[space].equals('O'));
            space = RNG.nextInt(9)-1;
    //fill in the game board with the valid position
    if (board[space].equals('-')) {
    int lastspace = space;

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I am still, quite frankly, a novice and do not possess much knowledge in coding. Thank you.

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