mercredi 28 novembre 2018

php If statement inside another php if statement [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I want to display whole code if $ws_user_status is 1, but inside this i want to separate the code on 2 another if statements... if $ws_total_sales == 0 to display info message, else ($ws_total_sales > 0) to display the table with all content items

But i have something made wrong... the table is visible all the time...

$ws_total_sales == 3;
$ws_user_status == 1;

<?php if ($ws_user_status == 1) : ?>
<?php if ($ws_total_sales == 0 ) : ?>
<div class="woocommerce-info">
    <?php _e( 'You do not have any items to sell.', 'woocommerce' ); ?>
<?php else : ?>
<div class="alert alert-info">
    <?php _e( 'Your sales.', 'woocommerce' ); ?>
      <table class="table table-hover">
            <th>Total sale</th>
            <th>Your profit</th>
            <td>Item 1 name</td>
            <td>Item 2 name</td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

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