I'm trying to make that theirs a check if a textbox is empty, it wont pass the information on multiple textboxes on a button press, example:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.Controls.OfType<TextBox>().Any(t => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Text)))
// what can i put here to exclude multiple
//if any of thouse are empty i dont want them to do this but if they are not empty i do want
lablCinnamonset.Text = textBox1.Text;
lablMallardset.Text = textBox2.Text;
lablAxisdeerSet.Text = textBox3.Text;
lablBlackbuckSet.Text = textBox4.Text;
lablMuledeerSet.Text = textBox5.Text;
lablReddeerSet.Text = textBox6.Text;
lablPumaSet.Text = textBox7.Text;
lablWaterbuffaloSet.Text = textBox8.Text;
lablJackrabbitSet.Text = textBox9.Text;
lablCoyoteSet.Text = textBox10.Text;
lablWhitetailSet.Text = textBox11.Text;
lablBlacktailSet.Text = textBox12.Text;
lablBlackbearSet.Text = textBox13.Text;
lablRooseveltSet.Text = textBox14.Text;
lablMooseSet.Text = textBox15.Text;
Thank you guys
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