mardi 24 septembre 2019

using if elif and else to print different statements

I have created a code in thonny that takes 3 inputs to determine the price of an item. I also want to be able to provide a discount to the price if it meets certain requirement and only one discount is eligible and to print the results of the discount. if if no discount is eligible I want print just the price of the item.

Please see my code below what I have tried

if sqFt > BIG_DESK:
    if wood == 'oak' or wood == 'mahog':
        discount = DISC_1
        discAmnt = discount * price
        discPrice = price - discAmnt

elif wood == 'oak' or drawers > DISC_DRAWER:
    discount = DISC_2
    discAmnt = discount * price
    discPrice = price - discAmnt

elif price > DISC_PRICE:
    discount = DISC_3
    discAmnt = discount * price
    discPrice = price - discAmnt

print("\nThe price of the desk is $", format(price,',.2f'))
print("\nThe discounted price is $", format(discPrice,',.2f'))
print("\nYou qualified for a", format(discount,'.0%'),"and saved",format(discAmnt,',.2f'))

    print("\nThe price of the desk is $", format(price,',.2f'))

As stated before, if there is a discount able to be applied I want it to print the price, the price minus the discount, and the discount and discount amount.

I keep getting error at the else statement with error statement SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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