samedi 25 janvier 2020

creating a login page on python

I am just creating a login page using sqlite3 using it to save email id and its password so that I can check while login weather password is correct or not I did it till log in /signup it saves id password but while loging in i need to search whather the password is correct or not...........

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('test.db')

conn.execute('create table id(email varchar(40), password varchar(30));') while True:

form=input("\nsignup or login:  ")

if form== 'signup' :

    email=input("input your email id:   ")

    if "@" and "." in email:

        password=input("create password:   ")

        conn.execute('insert into id values(?, ?);', (email, password))

        if len(password) >= 6:

            rpassword=input("renter password:  ")

            if password == rpassword:

                print("sucessfully created")

                print("Passwords didn't match")

            print("Your password is too short")

if form == 'login' :

email2=input("your email   ")

if "@" and "." in email2:

    password2=input("your password   ")

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