jeudi 29 août 2019

How to get correct if-statement with similar words?

So I have been trying to figure out what I am doing wrong here with my if statement, It is apparently that I have two similar words which is filtered and unfiltered. What I am trying to do is that if a string is filtered, it should grab the values from filtered and vice versa with unfiltered.

I started to use Redis to have a sort of SQL however:

#getRedis.decode("utf-8").lower() --> is a list of ['filteredkeywords', 'unfilteredkeywords']

getInfo = filtered

redis = Redis()

if any(x in getInfo.lower() for x in ['filtered', 'unfiltered']):
    redisURL = redis.redis.keys('*test')
    redisURL = redis.redis.keys('*Orange')

for getRedis in redisURL:

    if any(x in getInfo.lower() for x in getRedis.decode("utf-8").lower()):
            print('show - {}'.format(getInfo.lower()))
            print('show - {}'.format(getRedis.decode("utf-8").lower()))
            informationValues = json.loads(redis.redis.get(getRedis))
        except:  # noqa
            informationValues = [] 


show - filtered
show - unfilteredkeywords

The first if statement of if any(x in getSite.lower() for x in ['filtered', 'unfiltered']): seems to give the correct value of filtered/unfiltered however when we come to the second value which is:

if any(x in getSite.lower() for x in getRedis.decode("utf-8").lower()):

here is what goes wrong. It seems to always locate the value unfiltered even if the getInfo is filtered.

so my question is that how can I possible make a if statement that if getInfo = filtered that means it should grab the value filtered and not the unfiltered one?

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