mardi 31 décembre 2019

Dropdown query has no error, but returns no results

I'm hoping to allow others to sort through the data using some dropdowns, but they shouldn't have to use all of them if they don't need to.

My query function:

=QUERY(CATALOG!A2:I259,"SELECT * WHERE 1=1 "&IF(A2="Any",""," AND B = '"&A2&"' ")&IF(B2="ANY",""," AND C = '"&B2&"' ")&IF(C2="Any",""," AND D = '"&C2&"' ")&IF(D2="Any",""," AND E = '"&D2&"' ")&IF(E2="Any",""," AND F = '"&E2&"' ")&IF(F2="Any",""," AND G = '"&F2&"' ")&IF(G2="Any",""," AND H = '"&G2&"' "),1)

Whenever I ran this, there wasn't an error but the query didn't give any items.

I initially only tested one of the dropdowns but received nothing. I plugged in a known product into the inputs and still received nothing.

Link to copy of the spreadsheet with dataset and function

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