mardi 24 décembre 2019

MongoDB - Use condition if a object is present or not

So for hours I have been trying to figure out how to add a object if a value is not present in the database or vice versa.

A quick look of a script I have done:

#email_raffleItem = email= "", raffleItem = "hello"

user_email = db.license.find_one({'email':})

if user_email and user_email.get('raffleItem').get(email_raffleItem.raffleItem).get('entries'):
    }, {
        '$set': {
            'total_entries': user_email.get('total_entries') + 1,
            'raffleItem': {
                    {"entries": user_email.get('raffleItem').get(email_raffleItem.raffleItem).get('entries') + 1}
    }, upsert=False)
    return 'Successfully Entires'

elif user_email:
    }, {
        '$set': {
            'total_entries': user_email.get('total_entries') + 1,
            'raffleItem': {
                    {"entries": 1}
    }, upsert=False)
    return 'Successfully Entires'

    return "Email not in DB"

as you can see I went the easy way where I do a check if a user email is in DB aswell as if the same user has a object "raffleItem". If the user doesn't have the "raffleItem" then we create on in elif statement and vice versa in if statement (meaning that user has a object of raffleItem)

and basically what I am doing is that I create something called "entries" which adds up +1 everytime it code hits the line.

My question is in that case if is it possible to cut the code somehow with the if-elif-else statement because I have a feeling I am doing wrong and maybe not as good as it should be.

What I am trying to do is:

 1. Check if user email is in db
 2. Check if user has raffleItem object
 if there is raffleItem object then we add +1 in entries
 elif there is NO raffleItem object when we add entries and add 1 value.
      the user doesn't match anything of it.

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