mardi 24 décembre 2019

How do we remove assigned value (assignment) if the current assigned value to a class Train is a null line?

How can we remove train's assignment when the train is assigned to a null line? I have tried by using if and remove but I am missing a piece of correct check when a train is assigned to a null line. My code is not passing the test which is in the second code snippet. Could you please explain me what am I doing wrong?

        public ILine Assignment
            private set;

        public void AssignTo(ILine l)
            //Prior test: verify cities 
            if (!(Assignment == null || l == null || Assignment.City == l.City))
                throw new ArgumentException();

            //CURRENT TEST goes here that verifies things
            //if (Assignment == null)
            //    Assignment.Trains.Remove();


            //Prior test: verify that LINE is not null
            if (Assignment != null && Assignment.Trains.Contains(this))
                //need to remove THIS from l1.trains

            //Prior test: need to change current line and add train to new line
            Assignment = l;
 public void T_assigning_a_train_to_a_null_line_removes_its_assignment()
            ICity s1 = CityFactory.CreateCity("Paris");
            ICompany c1 = s1.AddCompany("SNCF");
            ILine l1 = s1.AddLine("RER A");
            ITrain t1 = c1.AddTrain("RER1");
            Action action1 = (() => t1.AssignTo(null));

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