mercredi 29 juillet 2020

confuse replacing with React Hooks React Native

I was trying to make async await with if condition with React Hooks. This code below is before I was trying to made it become React Hooks:

async startService() {
        if (Platform.OS !== 'android') {
            console.log('Only Android platform is supported');
        if (Platform.Version >= 26) {
            const channelConfig = {
                id: 'ForegroundServiceChannel',
                name: 'Notification Channel',
                description: 'Notification Channel for Foreground Service',
                enableVibration: true,
                importance: 2
            await VIForegroundService.createNotificationChannel(channelConfig);

and I was trying to make it into React Hooks

 useEffect(() => {
    async function startService() {
      if (Platform.OS !== 'android') {
          console.log('Only Android platform is supported');
      if (Platform.Version >= 26) {
          const channelConfig = {
              id: 'ForegroundServiceChannel',
              name: 'Notification Channel',
              description: 'Notification Channel for Foreground Service',
              enableVibration: false,
              importance: 2
          await VIForegroundService.createNotificationChannel(channelConfig);
      const notificationConfig = {
          id: 3456,
          title: 'Foreground Service',
          text: 'Foreground service is running',
          icon: 'ic_notification',
          priority: 0
      if (Platform.Version >= 26) {
          notificationConfig.channelId = 'ForegroundServiceChannel';
      await VIForegroundService.startService(notificationConfig);
  }, []);

and I was also trying to call it inside my jsx like this:

<Button onPress={() => this.startService()}>

and it did not working, did I write it wrong?

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