mercredi 29 juillet 2020

How do I work an elseif statement into this footer? [duplicate]

I am trying to swap some content in a theme footer that is calling an option for a shortcode. I was able to get the if statement to replace when in the shop but there is only other area I'd like to have a third option, on the news page. Can I please get some help with this else if statement... It is only recognizing the Woocommerce instance and not the single News page...

<?php if ( ! $disable_prefooter && woodmart_get_opt( 'prefooter_area' ) ): ?>
    <div class="woodmart-prefooter">
        <div class="container">
            <?php if ( is_woocommerce() ): ?>
                    <?php echo do_shortcode( woodmart_get_opt( 'prefooter_area' ) ); ?>
            <?php elseif ( is_page( $page = 'News' ) ): ?>
                    <?php echo do_shortcode( '[html_block id="3542"]' ); ?>
            <?php else: ?>
                <?php echo do_shortcode( '[html_block id="3557"]' ) ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
<?php endif ?>

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