mardi 28 juillet 2020

Filter Results Via checked box in laravel

i am making a blog system and i am trying to include a feature where you can make posts visible and hidden. for this im trying to create a filter where i can show the hidden ones on the home page if a press a button. i have linked the checkbox to my database using this


and then linked to the postController with

$post->visible = $request->input('hide');

which stores the value in the database, seeing as it was either 1 or 0 i used the binary type in mysql now when displaying my blogposts i use this

<li><a href="/posts/create">Create Post</a></li>
@if(count($posts) > 1 || count($visible) == 0) //this was an attempt to fix the issue as if it's unhidden the value us 0 
    @foreach($posts as $post)
        <div class="well">
        <h3><a href= "/posts/"></a></h3>
        <small> Written on</small>
            <small>Expires on</small>

    <p> No posts </p>


could you see any way around this, ideally i would have button that refreshes the results between hidden and unhidden i tried this by making a completely new if statement that runs off a button but seeing as i cannot even sort it without the button in the if statement i didn't include the code. thanks in advance and sorry for any silly mistakes in code

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