lundi 27 juillet 2020

Second condition not evaluating if...else if

thanks for the space. I'm currently working in a project where I have to evaluate some conditions. The point is that I have been using this structure during the project, but in this case, the first condition is evaluated and does what it is meant to do, but not the second. Here I attach the piece of Code. Thanks a lot!

if (influencerUserId.isCompany === true) {

      recommendedPeople = await Recommended.create({
        recommendedEmail, recommendedFirstName, recommendedLastName, offerId: theOffer, recommendedPhoneNumber,
        recommendedLinkedin, howFoundCandidate,
        candidateInfo: {
          candidateEducation, language, candidateLocation, experiences, similiarExp, ownDescription, motivations, whyFits,
          availability, moneyExpec, currentSituation, otherAspects
        moneyForRec: companyUserMoneyPerRec

      recommendedTimes = await Offers.findByIdAndUpdate(theOffer, {
        $push: { recommendedTimes: recommendedPeople }
      }, { new: true })

      historicRecommendations = recommendedPeople

      let companyUser = await CompanyUser.findByIdAndUpdate(influencerUserId.companyUser, { $inc: { 'companyUserPunctuation': 5 } }, { new: true })
      const updatedUser = await InfluencerUser.findByIdAndUpdate(influencerUserId, { $push: { recommendedPeople: recommendedPeople._id, historicRecommendations: historicRecommendations._id}, companyUser }, { new: true })
      res.status(200).json({ updatedUser })

    } else if(influencerUserId.isCompany === false) {

      recommendedPeople = await Recommended.create({
        recommendedEmail, recommendedFirstName, recommendedLastName, offerId: theOffer,
        whyRec, recommendedPhoneNumber, moneyForRec:influencerUserMoneyperRec

      recommendedTimes = await Offers.findByIdAndUpdate(theOffer, {
        $push: { recommendedTimes: recommendedPeople }
      }, { new: true })

      historicRecommendations = recommendedPeople

      const updatedUser = await InfluencerUser.findByIdAndUpdate(influencerUserId, { $push: { recommendedPeople: recommendedPeople._id, historicRecommendations: historicRecommendations._id, recommendedTimes: recommendedTimes._id} , $inc: {'influencerUserPunctuation': 5 } }, { new: true })
      res.status(200).json({ updatedUser})

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