vendredi 31 juillet 2020

R: Cross reference vector with list, HELP: append new vector based on positive hits

I have a vector A and a list B of vectors ls1, ls2 and ls3. I aim to combine the vectors in list B that contain one or more of the entries of A into a new vector (new_v).

A <- c("cat", "dog", "bird")

B <- list(v1 = c("mike", "fred", "paul"), v2 = c("mouse", "cat", "frog"), v3 = c("bird", "cow", "snake"))

new_list <- c()

for(i in names(B)){
  v <- A %in% B[[i]]
  if (TRUE %in% v){
    append(new_v, unlist(B[i])) ## doesn't do what I want

The result I was hoping for:

c("mouse", "cat", "frog", "bird", "cow", "snake")

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