jeudi 26 juillet 2018

Javascript when live time strikes 23:00

I have be attempting this for quite a while now and cant get my head around it. I have a javascript which displays a live time. What i am trying to do is build an if statement that says if it hits 23:00:00 then open a link. can anyone help please? anything i use just blanks out the time :(

function startTime() {
    var today = new Date();
    var h = today.getHours();
    var m = today.getMinutes();
    var s = today.getSeconds();
    m = checkTime(m);
    s = checkTime(s);
    document.getElementById('txt').innerHTML = h + ":" + m + ":" + s;
    var t = setTimeout(startTime, 500);
function checkTime(i) {
    if (i < 10) {i = "0" + i};
    return i;
<body onload="startTime()">

<div id="txt"></div>

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