My goal is to create a PowerShell script that monitors host hardware health and alerts (via exit codes) if a component status is not "GREEN". The following information is pulled from the software API as a hashtable by default.
For readability purposes, this is the information in JSON format, which I converted using the convertto-json cmdlet:
"host": {
"serial_number": "55555",
"status": "GREEN",
"name": "hostname",
"raid_card": {
"serial_number": "55555",
"status": "GREEN",
"product_name": "PRODUCT",
"battery": {
"percent_charged": 100,
"health": "HEALTHY",
"status": "GREEN"
"accelerator": {
"temperature": 36,
"status": "GREEN"
"logical_drives": [
"@{serial_number=55555555555; health=HEALTHY}",
"@{serial_number=55555555556; health=HEALTHY}"
If any of the components (battery, raid_card, accelerator or logical_drives) is not green, then the top host.status value would change to "RED."
The logic I envision is to do an initial if statement in which if host.value is "GREEN" then exit 0 (meaning it is up) and just output a message.
Else, do a foreach loop to search and identify which component is not "GREEN." This is where I am stuck with the logic.
The first problem I have is not knowing if a foreach loop is most appropriate for this problem. If it is, how could you structure the foreach loop since one of the components, logical drives, has a nested hashtable inside.
The second problem I have is how could you retrieve the component name if the status is not "GREEN"?
I didn't get far but this is the structure I was initially going with:
if (host.value -eq "GREEN"){
Write-Host "Message: host hardware is healthy"
Exit 0;
foreach ($components in ${
if ($_.status -ne "GREEN){
Write-Host "Message: host.??? is not healthy"
Exit 1;
One alternative structure is to just do if/elseif statements instead of the foreach loop. The problem with this is that it is not very elegant and its repetitiveness suggests there is a better way.
if (host.value -eq "GREEN"){
Write-Host "Message: host hardware is healthy"
Exit 0;
if (host.raid_card.status -ne "GREEN"){
Write-Host "Message: host.raid_card.product_name is not healthy"
Exit 1;
elseif (host.battery.status -ne "GREEN"){
Write-Host "Message: host battery is host.battery.status"
Exit 1;
elseif (host.accelerator.status -ne "GREEN"{
Write-Host "Message: accelerator temperature is host.accelerator.temperature"
Exit 1;
Any recommendations on how to better structure this would be appreciated!
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